Sunday, July 20, 2014

Fireworks in Montreal

The craftsmanship is extrodinary
Our day started with a bit of house/boat cleaning. Carol cleaned up the inside and I the deck walkways an ongoing effort. After lunch we went on the tour of Notre Dame Basilica, a fascinating lovely place of worship. The entire surface of the interior of the church is covered with wood, decorated in gold leaf the church building began in 1824 and at the 100th anniversary the entire interior was complete. Many wonderful works of art, statues, paintings and beautiful word work. The pulpit took 2 years to complete and is centered on the left side of the sanctuary with a stairway that winds back and forth and up to the preaching station.

Last evening there was a half hour fireworks display by the team from the US. Thousands of people watch from Clock Tower point close here to the marina. We were able to watch from our aft deck, most of the boats had people aboard and all the boat horns were sounded at the end of the show.

We may not have internet access for the next several days but will post our blog when possible. 

That's my favorite kind

1 comment:

  1. Just logging on after a few days to catch up on all your blogs...sure sounds like you're packing a lot into every day. I hope someone has found some answers for you on the silver church steeples! We're still enjoying unusually cool temps here in AR and spending as much time as possible outdoors. Had some time to read/nap in the hammock this afternoon too. Love all the pictures you makes iall your adventures come to life.
