Thursday, July 10, 2014

Chipman’s Pt. to Kingsland Bay State Park VT

Mazel Tug
Departing from Chipman’s Point  this morning along with Ralph, Linda and Melinda on “Mazel Tug”, we had a calm and sunny trip north into Lake Champlain.  We passed Fort Ticonderoga and it was so noticeably different than all the southern forts, with their Spanish influence that I wish we had stopped to take a tour.  The architecture was of British/European influence and it was made of granite and stone instead of tabby and seashell concrete.

Port Henry Bridge and Light
There was little traffic and beautiful scenery along the way, especially as we went under the bridge at Port Henry.  The bridge is the official change from the Champlain Canal to Lake Champlain.  Right next to the bridge is a striking monument at Crown Point. 
Lighthouse/Tower at Crown Point, Port Henry

We anchored in Kingsland Bay State Park and Tom and Deb and the kids kayaked out to the boat.  We spent the afternoon playing in a shallow cove surrounded by pine trees and forest.  There was a sloping rock where we could pull ashore and the kids jumped in for a swim.  Adam took Buzz (Dennis) out for a kayaking lesson and declared he had learned real well.   Supper was pork tenderloin steak on the grill with a big salad and some baked beans.  Afterward our company left for the long ride home to Philadelphia and we made a short visit over to Mazel Tug in our dinghy.  After exchanging some Looper tales we saw a glorious sunset.   This may be one of the most beautiful spots we have seen so far.

Tom and Ayla, Debi and Adam arrive by Kayak
Debi jumps in for a swim
Tom will rescue the blue fender
The Science teacher at work
Off on a dinghy ride
My first Kayak ride, very fun, I think I need one of these!

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