Monday, June 11, 2012

Half Moon Bay to Esopus Creek (Saugerties)

After doing a tour of the boat with Jim and normal startup activities we departed Half Moon Bay about 9:00. The river had a few wavelets and we began to move north, the tide would be against us most of the day but it was the only thing to do. We were able to maintain about 6 knots most of the day and toward the end of the day 7 to 7.5 knots. We decided to take the second anchorage available and traveled to mile marker 51 on the Hudson. The entrance to the Erie Canal is 51 miles away. We arrived about 6:00 our travels today routed past West Point, Poughkeepsie and smaller upstate towns. Very pretty travel on a river about a half mile wide in most places. The river is beginning to narrow now. West Point is a fortress with what appears to be staff housing overlooking the river. Lots of history.
West Point

Tonight we were surprised by the closeness of the anchorage. We are anchored in the middle of the river on a fairly short rode and as the wind blows we move from shore to shore. Small upstate New York town, very friendly people that directed us to the anchorage and keep us from moving toward shallow water. People on shore are enjoying a nice summer evening, laughing and partying. A nice place to be, starting to cool off now that the sun has set.

Staff Housing


Close Quarters at Anchor

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dad~
    Just got caught up on your travels these past few days. I love the posts and the history to boot. Sounds like a fabulous trip and I'd like to make my reservation in 2014 for the next time you do it. Love you lots, Debi
