Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Campbellford to Hastings ON

August 4, 2014

We spent the morning in Campbellford.  Dennis replaced a thermostat on the engine and I went for a walk.  Since it is a civic holiday, most of the shops were closed – even the bakery and the one that had special gluten free bakery.  But the Chocolate Factory Outlet was open so I put some goodies in my backpack and headed back to the boat. 

It was a hot sunny day – except for one brief shower – but a good travel day.  We went through 9 locks with various anomalies.  Most were small and simple.
Following Loopers Alert:  Lock 15 on the Trent Severn is somewhat unusual. Just up river about 500 feet, double locks 16 & 17 drain rapidly.  Because the distance is short, this run-off comes into Lock 15 very, very fast, and right over the top.  So when the doors below open, you are facing a 25-foot waterfall.   You may proceed into the lock and lock thru while this waterfall churns.  It is somewhat more difficult than usual to control your boat and your lines, but it can be done.  Once you get over the surprise of it – it works like any other lock.

We came through 10 miles of “cottage country” with lots of pretty summer homes and traditional family cottages on the shores.  We have pulled into the village of Hastings and tied up to a wall above the lock.  We are right behind some Loopers from Florida – the first time in awhile that we have seen other Loopers.  Dennis took a walk back to the lock and helped crank the doors shut on Lock 18, a real thrill!

That is a lock door not a waterfall, are you sure?


The next two locks are joined, waterline is for this lift

Cottage country

Little Island with cottages

Folks enjoying the Civic Holiday


Flower House

Lock 18 Hastings Bridge

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