Thursday, February 20, 2014

Delayed Post: Everglades City to Middle Cape Sable

Carol takes a turn at the helm  on a pleasant day
2/18/14  Nice sunny day with temps early in the mid 70’s increasing to about 83 in the afternoon. Cruising now mostly south along the Everglades not much scenery or development in this area. The shores are lined with Mangroves this morning the water was quite calm and very aqua in color, the dolphins enjoy this area as well as the rest of the Gulf. Our destination is Middle Cape Point at Cape Sable an anchorage just along the beach with wind protection from the east and southeast. Not the normal fully enclosed and protected anchorage we prefer. But the forecast is for winds from the east with a little south component due to a high pressure located on the Atlantic side of the Pennisula. As we rounded Northwest Cape 10 miles from our destination the wind picked up considerably to 20 knots and had a significant south component for a while it looked like a southwest component, the waves built to 2 ½ feet and we were all concerned. However, we continued and found some protection from the wind and waves. Because of the location of this point the east wind blows around the tip of Florida up the southwest part of Cape Sable and then around the point. The wind waves follow this pattern as well, we were all surprised after anchoring to see our boats pointing directly towards shore while the waves were on our beam. So in fact the wind was from the east and the anchorage fairly well protected. The wind is now settling as the evening approaches, we hope to be on our way again due south early tomorrow morning.
Beachfront anchorage, Middle Sable

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